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Minding your mental health

Greater Harvest Church Greater Life Ministries 2119 14th Avenue North Nashville, TN 37208

Setting goals

It is yet again a new year. During this time of year, we typically begin to reflect over the last year and evaluate how well we think it went. This reflection brings up things we did well and others we didn’t do so well on. So, we resolve within ourselves to do better this year. We think about the goals we want to achieve or intentions we want to work towards making happen in our lives. We set the goal or intention and at the start we are focused on but at some point, likely abandon. Perhaps this is because we were not fully committed to the goal or intention in the first place, or the goal is not one we really thought through completely. So, when we start working on it starts to challenge us because of poor planning. When we set goals, it is important that we consider our motives for this goal. Our “why” is important because on days when we do not feel like working on the goal this is what will remind us of why we are doing what we are doing. Along with our why is being honest with ourselves and really acknowledging whether this goal represents our true self or is it something we think we “should” be doing? In other words, is this goal in tune with our authentic self? Is it in line with where we are in your life right now? If our why is strong or the goal does not align with our true self, then we are less likely to complete it. When you set a goal or an intention, you want it to reflect what you value most today and where you want to be in the future. Think about the big goal and then take some time to think through how you can accomplish it. As you think about the things you want to accomplish for yourself this year, consider the following to help guide you in this journey: 1. What makes this goal important to me at this point in my life? 2. What will it take to reach this goal? 3. What practical steps will I need to take each day to reach this goal? 4. What are some things that could interfere with my working toward this goal? 5. How will I address these things as they come up? 6. What are some things I can use that will help keep me on track? Write out your plan and each day remind yourself of what you are working toward. Take one day at a time and stay focused on that day accomplishing what is important to get done. Incorporate rewards for yourself as you progress toward the goal or intention. These help you stay on track and give you something to look forward. Until next time…..


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